
Here are just a few of the services we provide.

  • Mobile Application Development

    Mobile apps are quickly becoming a must-have tool of presenting a business to the world. Whether it is just a simple app declaring your mobile presence or an intricate database driven outlet, we've got you covered.
  • Web Site Development

    Web sites are the leading form of reaching out to your customers. From presenting your missions to retrieving input from customers and everything in between, a web site ensures your business thrives for years to come.
  • Custom API Development

    Do you have a product to share with various customers across multiple platforms? You're in luck. Stang specializes in cross-platform API development. Free your product from boundaries with one call to Stang.
  • Database Administration

    Is your current database system becoming just a little too slow? Are you in need of a brand new, fully optimized back-end solution? Call Stang today and you'll find out that it's closer than you ever thought.
  • Internet Marketing Campaigns

    When you sit down with a Stang specialist, we will set up a comprehensive marketing plan for reaching potential customers encompassing E-mail, Telemarketing, SEO, FaceBook/Google Ads campaigns and many more.